1. Type | 2. Model | 3. Add-ons | 4. Order
Your cargo bike comes with a large equipment package which makes it fully functional. This includes the hood, bench, puncture-proof tires, GPS tracker and two insurance-approved locks. But of course, you have the option of choosing other accessories if you have a special wish or an extra need.
Step 1.
Choose type
Step 2.
Choose model
Step 3.
Step 4.

The Pony
1.190,00 kr. / month and a 1.500,00 kr. sign-up fee
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You can choose an independent baby seat that is placed on the bench. Here you have to choose between 0-9 months and 7-18 months.
If you need to have more than two children on the bike, you can choose a playmate seat to ensure comfort and extra space.
Hvis du skal have flere end to børn med i cyklen, kan du vælge en legekammerat-sæde som sikre komfort og ekstra plads.
You can’t have a Liisabike without having a theft insurance. If you have a house insurance, you will usually be covered by your own insurance in case of theft. If you are not covered by your own insurance company, you can buy a theft insurance through us. Our insurance has a deductible of DKK 2,000 and covers theft. The insurance does not cover vandalism.