1. Type | 2. Model | 3. Add-ons| 4. Order
Your cargo bike comes with a large equipment package which makes it fully functional. This includes the hood, bench, puncture-proof tires, GPS tracker and two insurance-approved locks. But of course you have the option of choosing other accessories if you have a special wish or an extra need.
Step 1.
Choose type
Step 2.
Choose model
Step 3.
Step 4.

Urban Arrow
1.090,00 kr. / month and a 2.400,00 kr. sign-up fee
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You can choose an independent baby seat that is placed on the bench. Here you have to choose between 0-9 months and 7-18 months.
If you have more than two children on the bike, you must choose an extra bench + large canopy.
You cannot have a Liisabike without theft insurance. If you have contents insurance, you will normally be covered by your own insurance in the event of theft. If you are not covered by your own insurance company, you can take out insurance through us. Insurance has a deductible of DKK 2,500 and covers theft. The insurance also covers vandalism.